Saturday 31 October 2015

The Ornate Horned Frog
  • The Ornate Horned Frog are quite large and very colourful - They tend to be green with dark red to black markings along their backs. 
  • Females are slightly larger than males and may weigh up to one pound - They measure about 5.5 inches (14 cm) from snout to vent. 
  • They have vomerine teeth (teeth on the roof of the mouth), as well as the outside of the jaw. 
  • Horned frogs are large bodied frogs that are so called because of their fleshy horn-like upper lids above their eyes. 
  • They have large mouths that seem too large for their bodies in comparison to their legs and front arms. 
  • Horned Frogs can live up to 10 years with appropriate care, but average at about 6-7 years generally.

  • Ornate Horned frogs can be found in Northern Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.
  • They burrow into leafy muddy vegetation of the Tropical Forest floor.
  • They hibernate for up to six months in dry conditions while waiting for the rain.
  • They eat large insects.
  • Small Vertebrates - lizards, mice and other frogs.
  • They are passive hunters and wait for food to come near before attacking them.

In South America, where the Horned Frogs originate from, they are many myths and superstitions about the Horned Frog. The locals call them ‘Ezcuerzos’, meaning simply ‘toad’ in Spanish. Some myths are positive about these frogs, stating that they are protective spirits of the water, whilst some stories claim that these frogs are so ferocious that they will kill large livestock like cattle and horses by biting onto their lips and not letting go until the poor beast has died.

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