Monday 5 October 2015

Creating My Clay Piece

So recapping to what I had looked at before which was a Broken Glass Bottle wound which a girl unfortunately was attacked with, I decided to take inspiration from this.

I really liked the bottom part of the wound how it kind of flaps over and that also the wound is not neat at all and in some areas it is jagged from the broken Glass Bottle which is was you would expect. So I started off with my piece of Clay and placed on to my plastic tray and began molding a similar shape. I used various tools from my kit to create the jaggedness to the wound and the smoothness too. I made sure to try every single tool in order to see which effect I liked the most.

My Final Clay Piece 
So as you can see below this was the final outcome from the piece of clay I began with. I decided to create quite a deep wound similar to the wound the young girl experienced, I also decided to make it pretty messy as I didn't want the wound to look neat as that wouldn't make it look realistic. I also decided to create a small tear at the top of the wound in order again not to make it look too neat. I used my fingers a lot to mound the flapped skin at the bottom of the wound. I smoothed the edges of the wound out with my fingers as the warmth from my fingertips made this easier to do. I am extremely happy with how it has come out and I'm looking forward to seeing how it will come out once I've applied the silicone to it. 

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