Thursday 22 October 2015

#Evaluation of Character's Wound

Overall I'm happy with the final outcome however I think there are areas for improvement. I feel like the wound looks slightly realistic I think what would have made the difference was the blood placement. I'm pretty pleased with the edges of the wound as I feel they blend it quite well there are areas for example the top part of it could have been blended a bit more, also talking about the top part of the wound I think I could have add some more colour there maybe some smudged blood, I just think it looks very empty which makes it look unrealistic as a cut as deep as that would not be neat. Also the dripping blood could be improved as I my head I wanted it to look stained all down the arm, I had to clean the blood off a couple of times as I wasn't happy with it but I still don't have it how I in-visioned it. If I could re do the blood I'd have it dripping down the entire arm and I would have used a brighter more loose blood as that would have helped to create that. I'm not happy with the colour of the actually wound as I think it looked to dark which was due to me painting it too dark. As I've mentioned before that you can see a lot of the ridges/creases from my difficulty of placing the wound on the arm when I'd applied the Pros-aide which I think slightly ruined the realism, however I think I did my best at removing the majority of it. This project has taught my a lot of things one being to be patient and that it's ok not to get it right on the first try, in all honesty I'm glad I had to start some areas of the process again as it really helped to remember the measurements and also what not to do.

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