Tuesday 20 October 2015

Types of Lacerations

Laceration is a disruption of the continuity of tissue caused by a blunt force. The full thickness of the skin, subcutaneous tissues, muscle and/or the internal organs can get involve.

Split Lacerations
  • This is caused by compression of the skin between the weapon and bone.
  • For example a blow with a heavy blunt weapon on the head, face, elbow, shin or hip.

Torn Lacerations
  • This is caused by a projecting surface of an object being dragged over the skin.
  • For example Road traffic accidents or machinery accidents.

Stretch Lacerations
  • This can be caused by a heavy blunt impact on an area causing the skin to over stretch
  • For example Machinery accidents.

Perforated Lacerations
  • This can be caused by objects capable of penetrating the skin
  • For example a gun or an explosion
Blast Lacerations
  • This can be caused by local blast effect of expanding gases
  • For example Blast injuries

Cut Lacerations
  • This can be caused by blunt sharp weapons
  • For example a knife or blade

Crush Lacerations 
  • This is a result of bone protruding out of the skin
  • For example injury to the head or an arm/leg

Resources Used:
  • http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.pdn.ac.lk/med/departments/forensic/BUDHUSARANAI/forns-scn-cont.html&strip=1&vwsrc=0

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