Monday 19 October 2015

#Reflection: Making the Wound from the Mould (Error)

Due to not knowing how to remove the wound properly I broke the edges of the Super Baldiez which is essential part to smoothing out the edges and making it look realistic when it came to applying to the model.

So after I'd made my mixture for the actual Wound to be created from the Silicone Mould, I knew as soon as I left my lesson that there was a problem with how it looked. Unfortunately I didn't take a Picture but my mixture had a lot of air bubbles settling on top of it, I knew it hadn't set properly. So a couple of days after letting my wound dry I decided to bite the bullet and remove the wound from the mould (note that we'd been told not to as we were going to be shown how to remove them properly) Anyway I wanted to get the disappointment out of the way so I preceded to take it out and the image above is what I was left with. I knew straight away that it wasn't meant to look like this. When I went into class that Monday I showed my lecturer and she suggested that I started again. The positive thing from this experience was that the ingredients and measurements embedded themselves in my mind. So while my classmates removed their wounds I got my mixture ready and my cleaned my silicone piece ready.

As you can see from the Image above this was how my first wound was meant to come out, if you look closely the edges aren't broken too much. I also powdered the piece when it was still on the silicone mould, this helped when it came to removing it.
Overall I'm really happy with my second attempt and if I think about it, it worked out for the best as I got to go over the ingredients and measurements again which helped with memorizing them. I was really happy with the colour as well and the piece looks very smooth.

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