Wednesday 21 October 2015

Creating The Character - The Wound

  • Start by coating the back of your wound with Pros-aide and also the area in which your going to place the wound on your model's body.
  • You will need to wait until the Pros-aide goes clear before you can apply.
  • Once both areas with the glue are clear carefully place the wound onto the area on the model - be careful that the thin edges don't begin to stick together and fold.
  • Once you've got the wound on the model, begin smoothing out the edges and the excess with a cotton bud or cotton pad dipped into alcohol - this is going to take time so be patient.

I found this very difficult as my edges began folding and sticking together which meant it was difficult to undo it. I you look closely at the image to the right, you can see a lot of creases and this was due to the Pros-aide. This caused problems during the next stage as the ridges wouldn't come out.

This process was so long winded and took quite a bit of time as I wanted the edges to be invisible. If you look below you can see that I you can still see creases, these ridges were due to the pros-aide being extremely sticky which meant the thin Super Baldiez folded. I found it extremely annoying removing all the edges but in all honestly I don't think I could have done anything more to the wound in terms of smoothing it out. 
The first image below it after I'd applied some alcohol activating colour to it, I was pretty happy with how this looked. I could have made it slightly darker looking at it again.

Once I'd applied and smoothed out all the edges as best as I could, I applied some colour inside my wound I had an image of a real glass wound as reference to the colour. I used just a bruise wheel which had red's, black's and brown creme colours. I used a small detail brush to get into all the hard to reach areas. Looking back I wished I had made the red a little brighter as I wanted it to look fresh. 
I then went onto adding congealed blood in some of the dark areas to create depth. Once I was happy with this I decided to add the blood, I used quite a lot and tried to make it look like it was dripping from the wound.

I found making the wound look realistic very difficult, looking back I wish I'd made the red colour inside the wound a bright red as the image I was referencing the blood looked a lot brighter. I'm glad I added the congealed blood as it made it look slightly deeper and as if some of the blood was drying up. I don't think I am extremely happy with the blood as I think I used a blood colour that looked too dark and I found it extremely difficult to get the blood to drip so I was there for a while using a cotton bud from different angles trying to get the blood to drip which it did after a while but I wasn't 100% in love with it. 

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