Friday 27 November 2015

Technical Evaluation

Special effects has been so exciting to learn and an amazing challenge. I'm really grateful that I've been able to learn such a unique skill as not many makeup artists have this particular skill. I think the part I enjoyed the most was the challenge of perfecting our moulds and feeling anxious of how they were going to turn out. At times I really struggled and I made plenty of mistakes when I first did it, for example when we were making the silicone mould for our Wounds mine didn’t go to plan so I had to start again, I was really annoyed with myself however when it came round to re doing it, it was a lot quicker as I knew the measurements off by heart then. I personally think making mistakes really helped with my learning process as it helped me to understand what I needed to change when it came to starting again, this occurred when I was creating my prosthetic piece’s for my human hybrid the first pair weren’t very good and I learnt the hard way but it made me determined to get it right with the second pair of piece’s, which I’m really glad I failed the first time as I was so happy with the final results from my second try. I took pleasure in mixing and measuring the different products as you had to make sure it was exact as it meant that the final outcome wouldn’t be right because the products were very sensitive. Health and safety was very easy to follow I tried my best to stick to it. One important factor was to change your gloves when handling your silicone this was very annoying but I knew it was important in order to prevent cross contamination. I found blending the super baldiez layer very long winded and I didn’t enjoy that part as I thought that it took far too long.

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