Sunday 1 November 2015

Sculpting my Piece

So the two Images above are my First attempt at creating the Clay sculpture for my Prosthetic Piece. I was happy with how it looked after I'd done this, it was the right shape and it was very smooth. However I came back to it and decided I need to neaten it up as it wasn't perfect I knew I wanted that very hooded look to represent the eyelid of a Frog. I didn't want to make it too pointy as this frog below I wanted mine to be slightly more rounded.

This is my second Attempt at my Clay Sculpture I much prefer it. It is a lot thinner which is a lot closer looking to an actually Frogs Eyelid. I made it slightly higher also which I thought made it look slightly more realistic, I sculpted a lot out of the hooded bit and I like how it turned out. I found sculpting very calming and I really enjoyed it. Once I'd taken these images I removed all the excess clay so it didn't ruin the silicone mold making. 

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