Friday 6 November 2015

Added Touches to my Human/Frog Hybrid

So I decided to look at the eyes of the Ornate Horned Frog, as you can see
their eyes are quite similar to human's eyes. They just have a huge Black Pupil
They don't have an Iris like Human's do. 

This is an Ornate Horned Frog's Eye, I don't think I will be able to find
a contact lenses that have the brown speckle on each side of the pupil.
A Human Eye has Iris around the pupil (this is the coloured bit around the black

I've decided I'm going to use on my Model, Black Contacts that block out the
Iris completely this will work perfectly replicate the Eyes of a Ornate
Horned Frog. This will help to give a subtle element of a Frog. 

This is my Model with the black contact's in, as you can see this already gives the
feel of an Frog. It worked really well the only thing I had to be aware is
that my model has to put the contacts in first before I apply the Prosthetic Piece's

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