Tuesday 3 November 2015

Making the Prosthetic Piece's (First Attempt)

I started off my Silicone Mold, I made sure it was clean with
Alcohol then I spreadtwo layers of Super Baldiez
mixed with Alcohol - I made sure each layer was dry before adding
the second Layer.

Once my Silicone Mold was Prepped. I made my
Mixture of Silicone A and B and added a small
amount of Green Pigment and White to
the Mixture - this was to create the colour of the
Prosthetic Piece, I used 8g of A and B and 12g of
Deadener to make the Piece soft and flexible.

This is the Mixture before Pouring into my Silicone Mold.
I was very happy with the colour as it was very close to
the colour on my Face Chart.

This is the Mixture inside my Silicone Mold. I left it to set
for a couple of days, in order for it to dry completely.

I was very Happy with how the Prosthetic Piece came out, it was very soft and
flexible this was because I added quite a bit of Deadener. The area that blends
into the skin came out pretty well to, there were hardly any rips. The only thing
that didn't come out like planned was the bumpy bit right at the top, I'm not
completely sure why this happened but I don't think it will effect my look too much.
I'm worried that my second Prosthetic piece isn't going to look the same, as the colour
is difficult mixture to get.


My Second Prosthetic Piece (FAIL)

So this is my second Prosthetic Piece, all my worries came true
this is not what I was expecting to come out of my Silicone Mold.
When I was trying to remove it from the mold it ripped a lot as
you can see, at the time I thought it won't be too bad. Also if you
notice the colour of this piece is much darker than my first piece
(Which I love)

As you can see there are a lot of rips in the area where it blends
into the skin. This is a major problem as this is going to make
it difficult to blend into my models skin. 

This Piece is very dark in comparison to my other piece this may be have
been due to me adding to much of the green pigment, also another failure is
that this piece is extremely hard and isn't soft or flexible like the other
piece. When I was making the mixture for this piece I couldn't remember
how much I used of Silicone A and B and also the deadener, so this is why
it wasn't soft like the other one. 

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