Saturday 28 November 2015


Books Used:
  • Clarke, B. (1998) Amphibian (eyewitness guides). United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley Publishers. Citations, Quotes & Annotations (Clarke, 1998, pp. 6 – 14)
  • Uchiyama, R. (1999) Reptiles and amphibians. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.Citations, Quotes & Annotations
  • (Uchiyama, 1999)
Websites Used:

Friday 27 November 2015

Technical Evaluation

Special effects has been so exciting to learn and an amazing challenge. I'm really grateful that I've been able to learn such a unique skill as not many makeup artists have this particular skill. I think the part I enjoyed the most was the challenge of perfecting our moulds and feeling anxious of how they were going to turn out. At times I really struggled and I made plenty of mistakes when I first did it, for example when we were making the silicone mould for our Wounds mine didn’t go to plan so I had to start again, I was really annoyed with myself however when it came round to re doing it, it was a lot quicker as I knew the measurements off by heart then. I personally think making mistakes really helped with my learning process as it helped me to understand what I needed to change when it came to starting again, this occurred when I was creating my prosthetic piece’s for my human hybrid the first pair weren’t very good and I learnt the hard way but it made me determined to get it right with the second pair of piece’s, which I’m really glad I failed the first time as I was so happy with the final results from my second try. I took pleasure in mixing and measuring the different products as you had to make sure it was exact as it meant that the final outcome wouldn’t be right because the products were very sensitive. Health and safety was very easy to follow I tried my best to stick to it. One important factor was to change your gloves when handling your silicone this was very annoying but I knew it was important in order to prevent cross contamination. I found blending the super baldiez layer very long winded and I didn’t enjoy that part as I thought that it took far too long.

Wednesday 25 November 2015


When we were first given our brief for our Human Hybrid I was very confused with what we actually had to create and how we had to do it. However when our lecturer explained it more in detail and gave us example of Human Hybrids in film, this helped a lot as to be honest I wasn't sure what a Human hybrid was. It helped doing research as it helped me to be inspired by existing human hybrids. I am not sure why I decided to use a frog to create my hybrid, I think it was possibly the colourful patterns of different types of frogs. My first problem I had to overcome was what type of frog I was going to use to combine with a human, I decided that the library would be a good place to find some books on amphibians which it did. I came across the Ornate Horned frog and I knew straight away I wanted to use this type of frog I really liked the pattern as it was very imperfect. The next obstacle was what was going to be my prosthetic piece. When I discussed this with my lecturer we decided on using the eyelid/hood of a frog. I told my lecturer I wanted my hybrid to show small aspects of the frog part for example the eyelid/hood and colour and texture the rest I wanted to show the form of the human. Once I was happy with what I wanted my prosthetic piece to be I started sculpting it out of clay and spent a couple of days getting it perfect and smoothing it out so it looked like a frogs eye hood. I created one silicone mould for my prosthetic piece which I think in hindsight slowed the process of making the pieces. One problem I faced first when I was using the one silicone mould was that I decided to make the piece green already, I was happy with the colour of the first piece the problem occurred was when I came to making the second piece from the mould as I didn’t really record how much deadener (this makes the piece soft and flexible with a higher percentage) and also I didn’t really pay attention to how much green pigment I added to my first piece so when I pulled my second piece out of the mould it was a dark green instead of mint green like my first piece. Also the second piece I made was extremely hard I knew before I applied the piece to my model that the second piece wasn’t going to stick as it wasn’t flexible enough like the first piece. So after my first fail of an attempt of creating my hybrid. I started again by making new pieces however this time I made sure to record how much deadener I used and also I roughly noted how much green pigment I used for the first new piece. I was much happier with how my new pieces came out as they very flexible and soft and they were also the perfect green. If I could do it again I would create two moulds so that my pieces would be exactly the same each time. I really enjoyed researching different types of frogs as they are actually quite a lot of different species. I made sure to do a lot of research of the particular frog I’m mixing with a human, I used a lot of books on amphibian and also I found lots of useful websites with great knowledge on different frogs and they’re habitats and diet. I decided for my concept for my brave new world I want to make it somewhat realistic in terms of the location and people, as there is actually a tribe called Tikuna and also the girl’s name I used is actually someone who lives in this tribe in the Amazon forest. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get my human hybrid however with the help of my mum we came up with a wise old Medicine man who lives within this tribe. I’ve heard through the grape wine that you not meant to lick frogs for some reason so I came up with that the frog has to lick the girl for her to recover however the family aren’t told that she might potentially turn into a frog. I thought this was a good idea for the hybrid to be born as it combined fiction and nonfiction. Overall I happy with how my human hybrid came out, if I could re do it I would made add a little more texture to the skin maybe some bumpiness and also I think I would have angled the prosthetic pieces downwards a little to make it look a little more frog like. Also I would have tried add a slightly more wet look to the skin.

Monday 16 November 2015

(Second Attempt) Creating the Prosthetic Piece's

So as you can see this was my Third Attempt at creating my Prosthetic
Piece and I am so Happy with it, it came out even better than my first
Piece, I made sure to note the measurements of everything so I can
create the same mixture for the matching piece.

As you can see I've managed to recreate the colour of the Piece that I
made on the first Piece I Made, the measurements I used were 6g of
Silicone A and B and I used 11-12g of Deadener to give the soft
feel. When it came to the colour adding part I scooped it out with a wooden
spatula and put 1-2 drops of the white pigment.

In a way I'm happy I had to re do my Prosthetic pieces as it came out much
better then my first two, If you notice that the top of this piece has no imperfections
like the first piece did. I also added three layers of the Super Baldiez to the silicone
mold before pouring the mixture in, it did rip a little but not too badly.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Brave New World Concept

Deep in the Amazon Forest lives the largest indigenous Amazonian tribe called Tikuna. A young girl called Maria Yanomami lives here with her Father and brother, one day she decides to do some exploring in darker areas of the Forest with her young brother. As she is walking she stumbles across a narrow precipice she decides to attempt to jumping across it however she doesn't make it and falls hitting her head, her brother screams her name and when he doesn't get a response runs to get help. An hour passes and her father and brother return to pull her out, they immediately know she needs medical help and they take her straight to Tribe's Medicine man who tells them that in order for her to recover they must find the Ornate Horned frog and Maria must be licked in order to recover or she will die. After a couple days they find the frog needed, the frog licks Maria. After a couple of days the father and brother realize that she is gradually turning green and forming the same pattern as the Ornate Horned frog. When Maria finally wakes up she has developed Frog like features.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Hybrids in Mythology

Hybrids, in the mythical realm, are creatures that combine the features and body parts of more than one real species. There are also part human combinations such as the very popular centaurs and mermaids.

Alkonost - which is a bird with the head of a beautiful women

Alkonost's are notorious for their hideously beautiful voices. They torment the damned with haunting terrible songs so they never get any peace

Adlet - Human and Dog Cross

These mythical beasts are the monstrous offspring of an Inuit woman and a large ferocious red dog. A litter of ten bloodthirsty, fur-covered and dog-like children were created from this very unnatural union. Fully covered in fiery red fur, these beasts had some lupine features such as a long snout, pointed ears, long tails and piercing yellow eyes.

Centaur - Human horse hybrids, top half human with a body of a horse

Centaurs were said to be the offspring of Ixion, son of Ares and a cloud. They were either depicted as wise, strong and admired or wild, destructive and untamable, depending on which half ruled. These mythical hybrids could be wise, peaceful and strong figures in total control of their ability to be agile and powerful swift archers.

Echidna - Upper half a Beautiful women and lower half is a serpent

Echidna was an extremely beautiful woman from the waist up but her bottom half consisted of the large creepy coils of a snake. She would entice men with her tantalizing attractiveness, all the while concealing her lower half so she could lure them into the darkness to kill and devour them.

Goat Man - Half Goat and Half Man

Goatman is said to have been a brilliant scientist that was transformed into a hideous beast when one of his experiments went horribly wrong. This resulted in him being cursed with an abnormal, twisted body that was littered with goat-like features.

Khnum - Strong human male with the head of a Ram

Khnum was one of the most ancient gods of Egypt, whose worship is thought to have been popular as early as the Predynastic Period. Khnum, also spelled Khnemu, ancient Egyptian god of fertility, associated with water and with procreation. 
He was represented as a ram with horizontal twisting horns or as a man with a ram’s head. Khnum was believed to have created humankind from clay like a potter; this scene, with him using a potter’s wheel, was depicted in later times.

Resources Used:

Friday 6 November 2015

Added Touches to my Human/Frog Hybrid

So I decided to look at the eyes of the Ornate Horned Frog, as you can see
their eyes are quite similar to human's eyes. They just have a huge Black Pupil
They don't have an Iris like Human's do. 

This is an Ornate Horned Frog's Eye, I don't think I will be able to find
a contact lenses that have the brown speckle on each side of the pupil.
A Human Eye has Iris around the pupil (this is the coloured bit around the black

I've decided I'm going to use on my Model, Black Contacts that block out the
Iris completely this will work perfectly replicate the Eyes of a Ornate
Horned Frog. This will help to give a subtle element of a Frog. 

This is my Model with the black contact's in, as you can see this already gives the
feel of an Frog. It worked really well the only thing I had to be aware is
that my model has to put the contacts in first before I apply the Prosthetic Piece's

Colours and Markings of Frogs

Amphibians have a wide range of colours and markings from bright reds, blues and yellows to muddy browns and greens, some have spots or stripes.
Some amphibians are darker on top with different colour and pattern underneath. Like other animals amphibians can be either very colourful to show predators that they are poisonous to eat or they can blend into their surroundings.
Frogs colour can be to absorb or reflect heat or attract a mate. The main colour and markings in a frogs skin are produced by three different colour pigment cells - white, yellow, brown and black. The skin of Amphibians varies with humidity and temperature it may become pale when warm and dry or darker if cold or damp.

Resources Used:
  • Clarke, B. (1998) Amphibian (eyewitness guides). United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley Publishers. Citations, Quotes & Annotations (Clarke, 1998, pp. 14 – 15)

Thursday 5 November 2015

My Brave New World Environment for my Human Hybrid

I want to stay true to the actual habitat of the Ornate Horned Frog, I've chosen one country when you will be able to find this type of Frog which is Brazil. I want my Human Hybrid to live in a Brazilian Forest with the rest of the animals that can be found here.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Bald Cap Application

Even though I didn't use a Bald Cap I thought it would be handy to make an application process for it.

Step by Step: Prep
  1. Start by removing any make up from your model's face - this will help when it comes to the edges of the bald cap.
  2. Next you will need to spray the model's hair with wet and make sure to brush it through in to remove any tangles and that the hair is smooth.
  3. Using a hair gel generously spread this through the hair - this will help with manipulating the hair.
  4. Depending on the hair length - if the model's hair is short wrap the hair to the side and make sure it is as flat as possible. If the model's hair is long split the hair into two sections and wrap in opposite sides of the head and again make sure it is as flat as possible.

Step by Step: Application
  1. When applying the Bald cap get you model to hold the front of the cap while you pull the back of the cap over the hair.
  2. Using a pin tail comb push any hair poking out from the edges
  3. Once the cap is placed on the model's head and you are happy pull the edges and start to cut away the excess - start at the ear.
  4. Once you are happy with the edges apply spirit gum to both the cap and the model's skin.
  5. Wait for the spirit to gum to go tacky
  6. Using a damp flannel press the bald cap down and use acetone to blend the edges.

Step by Step: Make Up
  1. Using your supra colour palette mix pink and white and stipple this on to the bald cap - this colour mixture will help to cancel out the hair colour.
  2. Once you've cover the cap with white and pink mixture use the foundation palette and using the appropriate shade stipple this on top.
  3. Apply a translucent powder to lock in the colour.
  4. For additional detail use flicking motions using the alcohol activated colour palette to create freckles or veins on the head.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Making the Prosthetic Piece's (First Attempt)

I started off my Silicone Mold, I made sure it was clean with
Alcohol then I spreadtwo layers of Super Baldiez
mixed with Alcohol - I made sure each layer was dry before adding
the second Layer.

Once my Silicone Mold was Prepped. I made my
Mixture of Silicone A and B and added a small
amount of Green Pigment and White to
the Mixture - this was to create the colour of the
Prosthetic Piece, I used 8g of A and B and 12g of
Deadener to make the Piece soft and flexible.

This is the Mixture before Pouring into my Silicone Mold.
I was very happy with the colour as it was very close to
the colour on my Face Chart.

This is the Mixture inside my Silicone Mold. I left it to set
for a couple of days, in order for it to dry completely.

I was very Happy with how the Prosthetic Piece came out, it was very soft and
flexible this was because I added quite a bit of Deadener. The area that blends
into the skin came out pretty well to, there were hardly any rips. The only thing
that didn't come out like planned was the bumpy bit right at the top, I'm not
completely sure why this happened but I don't think it will effect my look too much.
I'm worried that my second Prosthetic piece isn't going to look the same, as the colour
is difficult mixture to get.


My Second Prosthetic Piece (FAIL)

So this is my second Prosthetic Piece, all my worries came true
this is not what I was expecting to come out of my Silicone Mold.
When I was trying to remove it from the mold it ripped a lot as
you can see, at the time I thought it won't be too bad. Also if you
notice the colour of this piece is much darker than my first piece
(Which I love)

As you can see there are a lot of rips in the area where it blends
into the skin. This is a major problem as this is going to make
it difficult to blend into my models skin. 

This Piece is very dark in comparison to my other piece this may be have
been due to me adding to much of the green pigment, also another failure is
that this piece is extremely hard and isn't soft or flexible like the other
piece. When I was making the mixture for this piece I couldn't remember
how much I used of Silicone A and B and also the deadener, so this is why
it wasn't soft like the other one. 

Monday 2 November 2015

Making the Silicone Mould for my Prosthetic Piece

I was really happy with how the Silicone Mold came out, the clay left me a perfect shape. I had to use quite a lot of Silicone mixture as my Clay piece was very high. I ended up using 70g of A and B to get enough silicone to reach the top of my Clay piece. I was worried at first that it wouldn't reach the top of the clay piece. This whole process was very easy I know off memory what to do as I've made this silicone part a couple of times. I think it really helped creating the wound first of all.

My First Attempt of the Make Up (On Myself)

So this was my first Attempt at re creating my Face Chart. I'm really happy with how it turned out, I used my Supra colour Palette and Aqua Palette and using these two together worked really well and I love the colour pay off. When I come to actually creating my Hybrid I am going to bring the colour and Pattern down the arms and on to the chest.

Quick Step By Step
  1. I started off with Cleansing, toning and moisturizing my skin - to prep the Skin for make up
  2. I used a Flat foundation brush wet I painted the Green shade from the Aqua Palette all over my face - this will be also painted onto the chest and arms and some slightly in the hair.
  3. I used a Blusher brush wet and dipped it into the turquoise/blue and I stippled this onto the areas I wanted it to be blue.
  4. With another blusher brush wet I stippled the Yellow shade from the Aqua Colour palette on areas I wanted it. 
  5. Then I moved onto using the Supra Colour Palette, I used a small detail brush to mark out the brown spots with the black shade
  6. Once I had the black outline I filled it with a brown shade from my Bruise Wheel.
  7. Using a small fluffy brush I stippled the orange shade on top of the yellow from before.
  8. I went over again with the Supra Colour Yellow to intensify the yellow from before. 

Human Hybrid Hair Practice

So when I was researching what I could use in my Model's hair to create the look of wet shiny hair, I came across this in my Cupboard and I've heard Coconut Oil can be used at a Mask. My flat mate has used it before in her hair and it makes your hair look very greasy looking. 

 I am really happy with how my Hair Practice came out, the hair looks very shiny and greasy looking which is what I wanted, All I did was warm the coconut oil in my hands and spread it onto my model's hair and combed it through. This hair style is very simple so I can leave this part to the end of the creation of my Human hybrid, as it is very quick and easy.